straight 8

the one super 8 cartridge no editing film competition

our annual competition to screen at cannes film festival and more

straight 8 2019 - has been and gone - here are the highlights -

our 2019 cannes and london premieres happened in may 2019 - they were both stellar!

the 150 entry places made available on dec 8th 2018 sold out in just 2 months, on feb 8th. NB: see straight 8 2020 to enter straight 8 now - it’s open already with a new rolling entry system

120 films were made for straight 8 2019 and sent from all over the world for us to process and scan at cinelab london

our jury selected the 8 for cannes. the films that screened in cannes and those screened in london are listed below. congrats to all. find out more about the films and the filmmakers that made the 2019 cannes selection of 8 on our behind-the-scenes page here

the straight 8 2019 cannes film festival selection

these are the 8 films that hit the screen for the first time at cannes film festival - 8.30pm - may 20th - cinema olympia, cannes

an inorganic love story - lizzy mansfield

autonomat - anne fidler and declan hurley

babli - aneel ahmad

horse play - hansel rodrigues

memoirs of a geeza - theo james krekis

nature hunter - roger batteault

rumours - ollie birt

the honey bee - conor o'hagan, will skelton, archie blue

////// find out more about the films and the filmmakers that made the cannes selection of 8 on our behind-the-scenes page here //////

the straight 8 2019 london selection

the 25 films that will screen at regent street cinema - 5.30pm - may 26th - london include the 8 above from cannes, and these 17 which will not have been seen even by their makers

a kiss (is just a kiss) - georgia williams

blue murder - alex sultoon the thing with feathers - jeneffa soldatic

letter to anne - bensdorfer kreis

new hat - james ruse

pink yoga mat - rose hendry

repent - candice nachman

switch - desiree faust & stefana brancastle

the immortality of the crab - giacomo manzotti

the perception of time - casey hennessy

there can only be one - max r lincoln

venus - rachel ramsay

walnuts - jere kittle

welcome home - nick kovacic

what a cab - jake kuhn

where is my friend - tian chen, emilio muniz martinez, nick nason

wine comes in at the mouth - wilex

massive congratulations to everyone involved in straight 8 2019 - we’re as blown away as ever by the effort, energy and ingenuity that came back. so many of your films are worth screening with an audience. if you weren’t lucky enough to be selected, you should try and make your own premiere as special as possible.

a big thank you from us for your part in making straight 8 2019 - our 20th anniversary year - another gr8 vintage!

we hope to see many of you coming back again to help kick off our next 20 years with straight 8 2020 - open now

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find out more about straight 8 2018 here

check out the 150 brave souls who MADE straight 8 2019 what it was: